DOLLAR SALARIES... brought Okonjo-Iweala back in the news. The travials of this woman continues -
1. She was disgraced and humiliated out of office.
2. She was constantly berated and humiliated at cabinet meeting, with chief gigolo, Ole Baba Jaguda (OBJ) calling her "oko 'n jo" (ask your Yoruba friends to translate). The woman was blinded by greed, she had no honour and dignity to quit.... (Very unpatriotic Nigerian; to be asking for dollar$ salaries while being the Finance Minister, PUBLICLY stating that she would not accept her country, Nigeria's currency as legal tender; and she even had the audacity to look the other way while OBJ circumvent the law by breaking into the coffers of the UNDP funds, meant for the development of poor communities, to pay her. What a travesty!)
3. Her geeky boi (Husband-Neurotic Surgeon, Ikemba Iweala), was paying some cheap hooker, about $20,000 a pop, poor dude........!!!!!!!!!!!!THE COST? close to $300,000 Per Annum!!! ************ Quote from AK47 - Keeping them honest, after all it is our money and lives that are wasted.... *********Naijapolitics. ...AND NOW SHE HAS TO REFUND HER DOLLAR SALARY. WE HOPE THE PARIS CLUB WILL COME TO HER AID!!!
Courtesy: Sahara Reporters
Okonjo-Iweala has received far too many plaudits for my liking in the aftermath of her demise.
Only when she was backed into a corner did she accept salary payments in Naira. Not the most wholehearted backing of national policy and this coming from a Finance minister.
I actually don't agree with Gani's suit which is tantamount to a witch hunt. It also sends out very discouraging messages to qualified Nigerians living in diaspora. However Oko n'jo is far from blameless during her time in office.
I thought her performance was above average....
..i still like Okonjo, despite everything, show me a successful person who hasn't failed or fallen down.
her achievements far out weight all this public trashin....
everyone shld just leave her alone!
Abeg leave the woman oh. She left a very good job at world bank to take the position in Nigeria. I am sure she sustained a huge pay cut. I mean give her a freaking break, no be she way help us get outta debt. Abeg as toyintomato stated, her achievement far outweigh all the negative CRAP. On a more cheerful not, I LOVE your blog...Keep up the good work.
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