PHOTO NEWS - Leaders who are Screwing up Nigeria!
Now, let's poke some fun at our so-called leaders who are screwing up Nigerians!

YEE PARIPA!!! Where will I go after May 29th!
President Obasanjo at a recent public outing looking confused, tired and distraught, finally his shady acts caught up with him. He will be remembered for doing NOTHING, with SO MUCH, really, so, we can understand his worries. But Baba since you will be obtaining a degree from the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) soon will it be a bad idea if you head into the huge "Unemployment Market" your Economic REFORMS help create in the last 8 years.That's not a bad market, you know, afterall, it is a FREE MARKET too!
Hey Umaaru, are you DEAD, NO sir, but I am still very sick!
President Obasanjo calls Umaru Yar'adua on his sick bed in Germany to confirm that he was not 'dead'. Yar'adua is back in town to continue his Presidential campaigns after a sudden sickness led him to seek urgent medical attention at an undisclosed hospital in Wisbaune, Frankfurt, Germany. Makes us wonder, was the rumor of Yar'adua's death/resurrection staged by the PDP to whip up sympathy for an obviously sick Yar'adua and a tanking campaign? Emm!
A Candidate on LIFE "Baba" Support!
This photo shows PDP Presidential Candidate with a huge lesion at the back of his left hand arising from a hurried dialysis. Contrary to what the ruling PDP might want the world to believe, their candidate is critically ill with a serious kidney condition that has left him near dead. There are several of these lesions on the scalp of Gov. Yar'adua according to a medical source who saw him off to the airport in Abuja on his way to Germany where he was checked in for treatment. Umaru Yar'adua is only in the race because President Obasanjo keeps him on life support- what we call BABA Support. Wait and see when he will pull the plug!

Why And How Nigerian Leaders Run To Overseas Hospitals...
Rivers State: Consequences of Looting... If Pres. Obasanjo, VP Atiku, Gov. Yar'Adua, Gov. Odili, etc were made to go to Hospitals in Nigeria -- may be they will fix the health-care issues. Overnight patient facilities in a comprehensive primary health care center run by Etche Local Government. The floors were caked with mud and strewn with vaccines ruined during a recent flood. The center had no mattresses, toilet facilities, or other basic amenities. Gov. Peter Odili has two Executive Embraer Jets - shown - “Our Lady Queen of Victories”... which he claims doubles as air-ambulance... each jet costing $US 11 million [1.375 billion Naira]... for a total of $US 22 million [2.75 billion Naira]...

Eweeeu!.....8 Years after return of "DEMOCRACY", this is how Nigeria's goat meat is processed!
You may say what has "Democracy" got to do with it, but nah! you're wrong, we had been told that democracy comes with dividends, not divisions, if there was constant electricity as promised and delivered on time why would anyone buy goat meat transported this way? In Edo State, Nigeria thousands have died of Lassa Fever because of these unhygienic conditions of transportation of meat.

Mr. Governor Fatso, "Chop and Quench"
A Toad-like Lucky Igbinedion of Edo State ravaging a combo of God-knows-what meal. We guess it is a combination of Amala, Ewedu, Oha Soup, Edika-ekong, fufu, lafun+Akpu, ogogoro plus Chinese food. His dessert? You guess, Asian dormittila's , of course! Here you could just tell how this bloke governs a state. Maybe na im deh eat all dem rotten goat meat the Okada man above delivered to his ill gotten mansion!!!

YEE PARIPA!!! Where will I go after May 29th!
President Obasanjo at a recent public outing looking confused, tired and distraught, finally his shady acts caught up with him. He will be remembered for doing NOTHING, with SO MUCH, really, so, we can understand his worries. But Baba since you will be obtaining a degree from the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) soon will it be a bad idea if you head into the huge "Unemployment Market" your Economic REFORMS help create in the last 8 years.That's not a bad market, you know, afterall, it is a FREE MARKET too!

President Obasanjo calls Umaru Yar'adua on his sick bed in Germany to confirm that he was not 'dead'. Yar'adua is back in town to continue his Presidential campaigns after a sudden sickness led him to seek urgent medical attention at an undisclosed hospital in Wisbaune, Frankfurt, Germany. Makes us wonder, was the rumor of Yar'adua's death/resurrection staged by the PDP to whip up sympathy for an obviously sick Yar'adua and a tanking campaign? Emm!

This photo shows PDP Presidential Candidate with a huge lesion at the back of his left hand arising from a hurried dialysis. Contrary to what the ruling PDP might want the world to believe, their candidate is critically ill with a serious kidney condition that has left him near dead. There are several of these lesions on the scalp of Gov. Yar'adua according to a medical source who saw him off to the airport in Abuja on his way to Germany where he was checked in for treatment. Umaru Yar'adua is only in the race because President Obasanjo keeps him on life support- what we call BABA Support. Wait and see when he will pull the plug!

Why And How Nigerian Leaders Run To Overseas Hospitals...
Rivers State: Consequences of Looting... If Pres. Obasanjo, VP Atiku, Gov. Yar'Adua, Gov. Odili, etc were made to go to Hospitals in Nigeria -- may be they will fix the health-care issues. Overnight patient facilities in a comprehensive primary health care center run by Etche Local Government. The floors were caked with mud and strewn with vaccines ruined during a recent flood. The center had no mattresses, toilet facilities, or other basic amenities. Gov. Peter Odili has two Executive Embraer Jets - shown - “Our Lady Queen of Victories”... which he claims doubles as air-ambulance... each jet costing $US 11 million [1.375 billion Naira]... for a total of $US 22 million [2.75 billion Naira]...

Eweeeu!.....8 Years after return of "DEMOCRACY", this is how Nigeria's goat meat is processed!
You may say what has "Democracy" got to do with it, but nah! you're wrong, we had been told that democracy comes with dividends, not divisions, if there was constant electricity as promised and delivered on time why would anyone buy goat meat transported this way? In Edo State, Nigeria thousands have died of Lassa Fever because of these unhygienic conditions of transportation of meat.

Mr. Governor Fatso, "Chop and Quench"
A Toad-like Lucky Igbinedion of Edo State ravaging a combo of God-knows-what meal. We guess it is a combination of Amala, Ewedu, Oha Soup, Edika-ekong, fufu, lafun+Akpu, ogogoro plus Chinese food. His dessert? You guess, Asian dormittila's , of course! Here you could just tell how this bloke governs a state. Maybe na im deh eat all dem rotten goat meat the Okada man above delivered to his ill gotten mansion!!!
President Obasanjo offers recognition -long due- to former dictator and his alter ego, General Sanni Abacha (expired). Finally, Mr. Anti-Corruption has realized that he was probably more corrupt, more brutal, less intelligent and definitely more dictatorial than Sanni Abacha. This is the Obasanjo legacy of 8 years. Time to name Aso Rock after Abacha! Wonders shall never end!
These are the so-called African leaders at a NEPAD (Never Expect Progress and Development)/AU (Africa Unsettled) meeting somewhere in the middle of Africa. Here is the 'Peers Sleeping Review' session. Chei'.....mogbe!
This is a photo of President Obasanjo and his real daughter also Federal Minister of Education, Obiageli Ezekwesili, could this be the child he had with an Igbo woman, as he declared at a rally in Awka, Anambra State last month?
Since "stepping-aside" in 1993 General Babangida(rtd) only worked at night scheming with others to stage a comeback. As soon as his decade-long plot to return to power collapsed earlier this year he sought and got a day time job visiting petty African dictators facing internal rebellion from their population. His first visit was to Conakry, Guinea to meet with some \"Boys Scouts\" involved in a coup. Will a Babangida bring about Democracy in Guinea is just DEMO-STRATION-OF-CRAZE to get paid!

This is a photo of President Obasanjo and his real daughter also Federal Minister of Education, Obiageli Ezekwesili, could this be the child he had with an Igbo woman, as he declared at a rally in Awka, Anambra State last month?
Photo was taken at the "graduation ceremony" of Oyindoubra Alamieyeseigha, the daughter of DSP Alamieyeseigha the former governor of Bayelsa State in California USA, in the company of Gov.Ibori of Delta State, his partner-in-crime according to sources. The graduation event cost $300,000 per day for a degree the equivalent of an associate degree. See why Alams wants to be restored to Bayelsa State instead of going abroad for his well deserved follow up "tummy-tuck" surgery. Goodnews that he is languishing in jail. Tufiakwa!!!
Courtesy of SaharaReporters!
Just discovered you blog guys - brilliant, brillant.
I wish I could start one for my country that shows the thieves and their kin. These politicians (esp Africans) err I mean sad excuses for leaders do not have any integrity.
nigeria jagajaga!!! i agree wit eedris!
they doing an awesome job
What do you mean by Obasanjo has not done well.Obasanjo has done a whole lot. think about GSM,payment of our foreign debt,education,bank consolidation,u name it!Nigeria is not an easy country to rule,almost every individual is corrupt.So please dont criticize baba.The whole transformation thing is a gradual process.Baba has laid a solid foundation and I am sure with time things will get better
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