Review of African Blogs

Nigeria Politricks was recently reviewed in PAMBAZUKA NEWS – A Weekly Forum for Social Justice in Africa as one of their prolific writer and online Editor Sokari Ekine made a Review of African blogs.
You know how y’all get excited when you receive a message that someone has left a new comment on your post! This message was not only an excitement, but a recognition of our fight for social change - holding our political elites to account for the injustice done to the Nigerian people. Please click on the link below to read the full article.
Nigeria Politricks - Reviewed in Pambazuka News
Hope you enjoy it and let us hear your comments. Thanks everyone!
congratulations.. well deserved recognition indeed.
Well done guys. Thats excellent. I will visit often and hope to see you around.
Well done! You deserve it, you are doing a good thing, a good thing.
Bros, update now, i carry myself reach this side, i wan kon hail you, and you never update?
I have to say this and say this once. It is dumb to think BabaAlaye's dad "finished" Nigeria. When cancer kills it is not the day the person dies that the disease started.
You need to take into consideration what past presidents and citizens of Nigeria have done. I think the ex-president did the best he could with what he had.
I wish we would all stop blaming people and do what we can to help Nigeria. So what if BA did not set up a fund to help AIDS victims, that is his life! Quit leaving destructive comments on blogs that you have no business with. If you hate his guts so much, stay off his blog. You do what you think is best for you and your country, quit worrying about other people.
@ Anon,
We are doing the best we can for Nigeria by speaking out against the injustice done to the Nigerian people by despotic, visionless leaders(OBJ inclusive); and we're free to air our views any day, anytime and at any place. You have a right to listen or at best, you have a right to delete our comments or moderate our opinions but you DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to deny us free speech!
Free speech does not include cussing someone out in a "public" domain. Try that free speech and say something DESTRUCTIVE about Bush and see what happens to you. Free speech means defending yours which includes NIGERIA and all NIGERIANS. Is that what you are doing? Are you actually promoting free speech or destructive speech. Let the healing begin and quit lamenting about the past look into the future and let people live their lives. Let peace reign.
@ anon above
Whenever Nigeria Politricks made a comment, it's name was assigned to it. So that's free speech - without fear or intimidation. At least when next you visit, grow some balls and not hide under the cloak of anonymity and let's have a constructive discourse. THIS BLOG DONT BITE! I'm sure our blog now ruffles some feathers, and that's our mission, to let corrupt Nigerian leaders and their imbecile sons and daughters; including their self-appointed retarded mouth piece(anon above), pay for the injustice done to the common man on the streets of Nigeria. They will have no peace until the ordinary man finds PEACE! ALUTA CONTINUA!!!
Wow. You speak and no one listens, you rant and rave and no one cares and what do you resort to: more rantings and ravings. It is just sad to see you Nigerians go at each other like that. Put your picture up or something brave heart! I have nothing to do with Nigeria. I am full bred American,with Nigerian friends... so if you guys choose to kill each other so be it. It is just so sad that the country you "want to build up" or so you say, is the same you tear down with your words. That would never happen here! As much as a lot of people don't agree with the government, Americans stand up for each other, if 911 happened in Nigeria, would you point fingers or join hands together. If you need advise on how to constructively motivate people on doing the right thing, let me know. Sad, so so sad!
I sense so much hatred in Nigerians, let the healing begin, please let the healing begin. You are not helping matters by throwing out so much hatred. Grow up!
@ Anon above again,
We are grown ups here and since you dont have anything constructive to add to the Nigerian discussion, we are moving on...I see you're pained by the posts on my blog, but that's okay; get used to it, drink phensic or whatEVER, because we will never change by your mere belly ache!
At anytime, feel free to visit, as your visit is always welcomed...and your lily-livered comments as well. Please, enjoy your stay here, because we can tell a true American if we hear one(LMAO); remember THIS BLOG DONT BITE!
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